
Planking Between Sets

So you just finished a set – now what? Stand around for 30 seconds to 3 minutes, text a friend, check snapchat or Facebook. These are common gym patterns which cost you gains. A strong core is not only aesthetic, but helps support other lifts and prevent injury. By doing planks in between sets, not only do you strengthen and tone your  muscles, you actually keep your heart rate up. That means MORE calories burned and melting fat like butter!!  There are dozens of varieties of plank positions to keep it interesting and challenging. Best part – in most of them you can hold the position WHILE playing with your phone, so don’t worry we won’t cut into your facebook, texting, snapchatting, Instagame! Plank on and build that core so you can get your 6-Pack by Zack!

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The best strategy for losing weight: a beginners guide

The best strategy for losing weight: a beginners guide

The best strategy for losing weight: a beginners guide