
The Best Strategy For Losing Weight: A Beginners Guide

Throughout this article we’re going to discuss all the different variables essential for weight loss. I’ve used these methods on myself, our clients, and 100’s of people around the world to completely transform their mind and body. First, we’re going to discuss why the majority of people approach nutrition completely wrong.

Methods That Simply Don’t Work:

Have you ever noticed someone, maybe a friend or family member, and they say “hey I’m on this new keto/paleo/carnivore diet.” They stay on track for a few weeks, they may even lose a bunch of weight, but after some time passes they gain the weight back and you never hear about this “diet” again. That’s because the first mistake is approaching nutrition as a “diet” rather than a “lifestyle.” Nutrition is by far the most important variable for our health and body composition. 

People make the mistake of completely restricting one macronutrient, running extremely low caloric deficits, and essentially set themselves up for failure because what they’re doing is not sustainable. You don’t want to starve yourself, you simply want to run a slight caloric deficit (100-300) calories, so your body is in a state where it can build muscle and lose fat simultaneously. 

Calorically Dense VS Nutritionally Dense Foods:

Calorically dense foods are essentially all the foods that taste good (cookies, donuts, pizza, chocolate) and they’re very high in calories compared to their volume. Examples of nutritionally dense foods are vegetables, fruit, chicken, shrimp, 99% lean ground meats, and they’re voluminous while extremely low in calories. Depending on how hungry we are and our weight loss goals, we want to eat a reasonable combination of nutritionally to calorically dense foods. I recommend starting with 80% nutritionally dense foods and 20% calorically dense foods for the average person with weight loss goals, but it’s highly encouraged to make modifications depending on your personal circumstances. 

How Can You Start Losing Weight Right Now?

Okay, so now that we’ve been over a few important concepts, how can you start implementing these weight loss tips to start your transformation? We are going to teach you how to run a moderate caloric deficit without being hungry and still having the flexibility to enjoy foods you love.

  • First – We’re going to start with a version of intermittent fasting. I’m sure you’ve heard various claims about intermittent fasting, but the most important component is that it allows you to eat fewer calories while simultaneously being satisfied. Essentially, we’re going to push our first meal back as far as we can. For example, if you wake up at 6 am, we can drink water, black coffee, sparkling water, 0 calorie drinks, and break our fast around 2pm. This allows for the calories we would have eaten in the morning to be saved for dinner, enabling us to have more flexible food choices for dinner. This is an extremely intuitive process, some people will prefer eating their first meal around 12pm compared to others who will choose to break their fast at 4pm. It ultimately depends on your personal preferences and circumstances.
  • Second – We’re going to break our fast with something nutritionally dense. This can be an egg white omelet with veggies, a frozen fruit smoothie, a bowl of fruit, or anything you’d like that’s voluminous and 400-600 calories. The advantage of breaking your fast with nutritionally dense foods, is you really haven’t spent many of your total daily allotted calories, and you’re satisfied carrying yourself to the evening. 
  • Lastly – We’re taking an intuitive eating approach to dinner. This approach offers you the flexibility of food choice in terms of hitting your caloric goal. This means, whatever you’re in the mood for, you can eat it within your total daily allotted calories. For example, if you’re in the mood for pizza and wings you have the flexibility to eat it. Instead of eating an entire pizza and 20 wings, have a couple slices with a few wings. If you’re going out to dinner with your boyfriend or girlfriend, order what you’re in the mood for without over eating. If you’re starving and just want volume, you can eat completely nutritionally dense foods. There is no set concrete method in approaching nutrition, and people will always have differences in their food/lifestyle preferences. 

Following this method will allow you to adapt to a new eating pattern where you don’t feel like you’re on a “diet”. You’ll be able to still enjoy the foods you like, while simultaneously getting the results of being in a caloric deficit. Wishing you all the best of luck with your fitness and nutrition.

The key to successfully implementing our method is knowing the correct calorie ranges for your goals. We offer a comprehensive program that not only calculates your macros, but gives you recipes, workout routines, and more! Check it out here:



The best strategy for losing weight: a beginners guide

The best strategy for losing weight: a beginners guide

The best strategy for losing weight: a beginners guide

The best strategy for losing weight: a beginners guide