Dani Sadural
Weight Loss Expert, Rehab Specialist, Mindset Master
What’s up dream-chasers?! My name is Dani, and I am a full-time Doctor of Physical Therapy, National Academy of Sports Medicine-Certified Personal Trainer, and a mindset coach that’s on 6-Pack Macros to help YOU achieve your dream physique, your goals and your visions. Let me bring you in on a personal story of mine and my fitness background: When I was 13 years old, I was over 230 pounds… I was obese, depressed, self-conscious, and anxious in all social environments. When my parents and doctors all were telling me to lose weight, I barely made any progress. Why? Because that intrinsic motivation wasn’t there. But, one day, a family member made a comment about my weight that just sparked a never-ending fire in my soul, a fire that PUSHED me to make a huge change in my own life - FOR ME. That change was fueled not by my parents, not by the doctors, not even by my cousin, but by ME. Because I personally WANTED to and made it my personal mission to achieve my dream physique and be as healthy and fit as I desired. (I still thank my cousin to this day for that motivation to help me realize my own passion and power). Since then, I’ve dedicated myself to learning and immersing myself in all knowledge about fitness, diet, fat-loss, gaining muscle, and how to cultivate a strong confident mindset - and now I can proudly say that I’ve achieved my dream physique that the younger me once set out to do… all by myself. I didn’t have a coach, I didn’t have a mentor, BUT I had me. I had my experiences, and the tools to learn. While I have no regrets about my journey, I do say that I wish I had a mentor or coach to help me throughout my learning process, especially during the early days when I would find myself stuck at times. I believe that a coach/mentor is important in answering any questions along the way, but also helping GUIDE you up the mountain towards reaching your dream physique and goals. This can help EXPEDITE the process as you transform yourself into your dream version of you. I desire and intend to use my passion-fueled gift of 1-on-1 training and coaching to help YOU achieve that same goal, whatever it may be. Whether you want to lose fat or build muscle, increase your strength, flexibility, or power, OR you want to learn how to do exercises that are SAFE for you without aggravating any injury or pain, I’m your guy! I am a practicing physical therapist with my doctorate from Indiana State University, and I'm more-than-ready to assist you in reaching and achieving. Let’s set up a call and I want to learn more about your goals. I want to learn more about your vision. And more importantly, I want to be a witness to your transformation and greatness. I want to help you in the way that I helped myself when I went through my journey. Let’s stop waiting, because the perfect moment is always NOW!! Not
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